Saturday, 22 July 2017

“System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.” error in C#

I got this issue while trying to connect through visual studio 2015 to AWS RDS OracleDB procedures.

I was trying to connect from Windows 8.1 which is a x64 bit processor.

After a lot of efforts i was able to resolve this issue.

I went through many blogs and forums but i did not find a clear cut resolution.
I had tried giving permissions to ORACLE_HOME, "\bin" directories. but nothing worked out in my way..

Note, System.Data.OracleClient is deprecated from visual studio 2015. 
people are using Add reference 'Oracle.DataAccess','Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll'. However, System.Data.OracleClient still works out as expected.

This issue mainly happens when you have installed older version of Oracle client in your PC or when you do not have Oracle client installed on your PC.

if you already have this installed on your pc, skip to step 2,

step 1 - ODAC Installation: first you need to install Oracle Data Access Components - ODAC,

Remember to open command prompt as Administrator in the below process
clear steps are provided here for ODAC installation.

step 2 - Oracle Client 11g installation: then you need to install Oracle client 11g. 

i have mentioned the installation steps in another post

Once this is installed, restart your PC and check if this issue has been resolved.

Hope this is helpful !

AWS RDS OracleDB - Oracle Client 11g x64bit installation on Windows 8 or above

Here are the steps to install free x64bit Oracle client 11g on your windows PC.

i got this error "System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater." even after installing 64bit ODAC components in my PC. Then i realized i would require Oracle Client 11g as well.

step 1:  download the zip files from Oracle site available with below header. PFB,

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( for Microsoft Windows (x64)

step 2: extract both the zip files in same folder (i created OracleClient folder here). 
let's say,

step 3: after extraction, goto the folder and run 'setup.exe' as Administrator.

then follow the step by step process mentioned in this video.

This would take around 12 minutes for finishing installation.

Once this is installed you can use your SQL*PLUS to connect to AWS oracleDB, or System.Data.OracleClient dlls and libraries through vs2015 without any issues.

Thanks for your time :)

Hope this is helpful..

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Remove credit card details from AWS Console - My Account - create AWS Account

For the Beginners who are planning to create a new account at Amazon Web Services (AWS) console, 
Here is the link below,

click on --> Create AWS Account

Make sure you have $1 in your bank account, else the account creation will not be complete from back end.

During account creation, amazon asks for Credit card verification. This would deduct 2 INR from your card to make a successful transaction as a part of Verification. That's a smarter way of Verifying Card :)

after the account is created and you tend to create a new RDS DB instance.
Now, you will be shocked to see  a $19 bill generated for this month for using their DB instance. 

Easiest way to Remove credit card details from AWS is, Remove it from shopping site under Payment Options.

say bye to your Worries! 
Start using the services for free.. :)

failed to retrieve account attributes, certain console functions may be impaired - AWS Oracle DB

As a Beginner to AWS console,
I too faced this Issue while trying to create a new RDS Instance.
'failed to retrieve account attributes, certain console functions may be impaired'.

This error was popping up on top of the screen and not allowing me to go to next step in DB instance Creation.
IF this is happening to you, then you are at the right page.

Hold your nerves as the DB instance and this resolution is free of cost! :)

There are numerous reasons for this error to occur, sometimes maybe due to missing permissions, sometimes due to incorrect account setup issues

If you are getting this error on a new aws account, just wait for 2 to 8 hours, your account setup is not yet complete. And the reason could be the $1 auth on your credit card is not yet done. Just wait and re-try, you would be able to use your account without any issues.

If you are getting this error on existing account, IAM Admin should provide necessary roles & permission to the IAM User. This can be done from Configuration details screen - security Group. I have provided the steps with screen shots in another post.

I got this error for about 2 hours of the account creation and then i was able to create a new RDS Oracle DB successfully.

I posted few issues and its resolutions i got while trying to connect new AWS - RDS oracle DB from SQL Developer.

Hope this solution serves you!

feel free to contact me.. :)

Failure - Test failed: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection for AWS Oracle DB

I have experienced these issues while developing a service web application using back end as AWS Oracle DB and front end - HTML5, CSS3, framework 4.6.

Very few people would opt for RDS Oracle DB. Hence, we find very less resolutions for issues related to AWS oracle Database.

Here is one among them,
'Failure - Test failed: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection'

We get this issue due to improper Inbound/Outbound traffic configuration of Security groups for your RDS database in AWS console.

Here is the step by step resolution for this,

Goto RDS Dashboard in Amazon Web service (AWS) console and click on Instances.

Click on your available DB instance and select Details tab.  Please see the highlighted below,

click on your security group. 
Note: it's best if you customize your security group rather than using Default groups,

Then select Inbound Traffic configuration and click on EDIT.

Now, here you can customize as how you are going to connect to this Database.
You can determine if the connection is specific to a person or a group or a process.
In my case, only me needed the connection to this Database. 

so, in Source column, modify the drop down menu as per requirements. 
if the connection is for your self, 
choose 'MY IP' from the drop down. This automatically stores your IP address and allows you to connect to the Database.

Now try connecting from SQL Developer and starting creating your own DB Objects.

Hope this is Helpful!

Followup with learning additional errors-Fixes.. :)