Sunday, 16 July 2017

failed to retrieve account attributes, certain console functions may be impaired - AWS Oracle DB

As a Beginner to AWS console,
I too faced this Issue while trying to create a new RDS Instance.
'failed to retrieve account attributes, certain console functions may be impaired'.

This error was popping up on top of the screen and not allowing me to go to next step in DB instance Creation.
IF this is happening to you, then you are at the right page.

Hold your nerves as the DB instance and this resolution is free of cost! :)

There are numerous reasons for this error to occur, sometimes maybe due to missing permissions, sometimes due to incorrect account setup issues

If you are getting this error on a new aws account, just wait for 2 to 8 hours, your account setup is not yet complete. And the reason could be the $1 auth on your credit card is not yet done. Just wait and re-try, you would be able to use your account without any issues.

If you are getting this error on existing account, IAM Admin should provide necessary roles & permission to the IAM User. This can be done from Configuration details screen - security Group. I have provided the steps with screen shots in another post.

I got this error for about 2 hours of the account creation and then i was able to create a new RDS Oracle DB successfully.

I posted few issues and its resolutions i got while trying to connect new AWS - RDS oracle DB from SQL Developer.

Hope this solution serves you!

feel free to contact me.. :)

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