Sunday, 16 July 2017

Remove credit card details from AWS Console - My Account - create AWS Account

For the Beginners who are planning to create a new account at Amazon Web Services (AWS) console, 
Here is the link below,

click on --> Create AWS Account

Make sure you have $1 in your bank account, else the account creation will not be complete from back end.

During account creation, amazon asks for Credit card verification. This would deduct 2 INR from your card to make a successful transaction as a part of Verification. That's a smarter way of Verifying Card :)

after the account is created and you tend to create a new RDS DB instance.
Now, you will be shocked to see  a $19 bill generated for this month for using their DB instance. 

Easiest way to Remove credit card details from AWS is, Remove it from shopping site under Payment Options.

say bye to your Worries! 
Start using the services for free.. :)

1 comment:

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    an overview of aws
